Thursday, February 9, 2012

Color Palettes,

I spelled Gleaner wrong above... This image would look sharp with a the dark slate color painted wall.

This picture is one of the only professional pictures I remember getting taken when we were young, outside of the ones for the church directory.  I remember it being in what is now that hotel across from Wiggs in Osky.  Pastels is funny for a family with lots of boys, but I think they were sort of in style, maybe?  I especially like Mike in pink.  I do definitely remember some arguments about who had the better colors - Mark was content, I don't think Mike and BJ were.

It is interesting that none of use have kids with as dark of hair, yet anyways.  My hair here is in the middle of turning from blond, on the ends, to the dark brown of my brothers.  I was blond before this - I would have been in first grade, and Mark, Mike and BJ would have been in fourth, fifth, and seventh grade?  Kurt and Karl would be about five months old? - so fall of 1989.  I think the Christmas Eve after this was when our barn burned down?

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