Thank you to a good friend who let me borrow the running sleds. This pasture is between Sully and Peoria, and usually how beautiful brown Jersey cows in the summer. We always enjoy the old Oak tress and picturesque Iowa landscape.
This Christmas season has been a lot of fun with our children, now that both Ezra and Elliot can understand the Christmas story so much more. I didn't know how wonderful it is to watch your own children enjoy and comprehend baby Jesus and the mysterious way that God came to be with us. I still haven't figured out how to explain the Christmas tree as part of that story. I need a helpful suggestion there.
We have been reading from the Jesus Storybook Bible by Zonderkidz, and then having the two older boys set up the nativity as we read the story, finding the appropriate characters as they enter the scene. I have yet to find a more beautifully written story for children than the one by Sally Lloyd Jones.
Another book we've been enjoying, is the Twelve days of Christmas in Iowa.
They even have the Twleve Days of Christmas in Michigan!
The Iowa version celebrates, among other things.... Four big baloons (Indianola) Three train cars (Boone train) Two hefty hogs (Iowa State Fair) and a Gold Finch in an Oak Tree (State bird and tree). WE LOVE IT! I would LOVE to have the Michigan one for our family too. I appreciate how there is a "smaller kids" reading, and then a "bigger kids" side of the page for the historical information about each item. And, since it is written from one cousin to another, the kids love it even more, since they think cousins are the best thing ever.
We purchased ours at Costco in DesMoines, but it looks like they are on Amazon too.
Hey Becky!
Have you ever read the story 'The Tale of Three Trees' about the three trees that became the manger, the boat that carried Jesus, and the cross? Just a thought as to how to incorporate the 'tree' into the Christmas miracle!
My oldest is 4 1/2 so we are definately having some interesting conversations this year about Christmas, joy, giving, thankfulness, etc.
Heather deBoer
Also, check out Phil Vischer's What's in the Bible Why Do We Call it Christmas? A great DVD packed full with all the Christmas traditions and where they came from. I even learned a lot! They cover the Christmas tree in there.
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