Thursday, August 23, 2012

Ezra, Sonshine Preschool and Explaination

Ezra's preschool orientation was this week. He was more than excited to go to school.  There were a few moments of concern, but after his orientation visit, he asked why he couldn't go every day.  We too are very excited for him to learn and meet new friends.  One of his teachers was actually Grandma Barb's college room mate!  We took pictures of this day, and after uploading them to the blog, I noticed that this crazy corn plant happened to make it in almost every one!  I felt there needed to be some explaination.

Some have assumed that I've planted these corn plants in the parsonage landscape on purpose, to make a statement about myself, something about not being able to take the country out of the girl.  Although this might have been an ingenious idea, this is not what happened.  Actually, I'm thinking these corn plants have been placed there by critters from our bird feeder.  They happened to grow quite nicely in the landscape.  Have you ever seen corn plants used in landscape?  They are quite beautiful.  This year I was fortunate enough to chose not to do much for floral decoration in the church landscape.  The dry summer would have proved to be too much for me to keep up with them. 

So I was grateful for the funny corn plants that have grown.  I'm surprised they survived six little hands and twelve little four wheeler tires.  Most everything has been pulled out our made into a dirt track for things with wheels. 

Ezra has had a fun summer driving in dirt and playing with his brothers.  He is going to love preschool too.

When I asked Ezra to stand on the front step, he instinctively grabbed the plant to pose. 

He has turned out to be quite handsome.

He chose camo shorts and his new Merrel shoes we found out the cowboy store in Wyoming on vacation.

Zach copying his brother.

Elliot joining in.

Always trying to figure out the pecking order.

Everyone is happy.

Picture with dad.

Picture with mom.

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