Tuesday, May 1, 2012

We're Back

I have taken a break from my blog. A nearly three month break, and I'm back.  I took some extra time to invest in other areas like photography, reading, and organizing my home for a once-every-five-years type of garage sale that was successful. 

Here are a few images that capture just a handful of moments during the past three months.

Unseasonable warm weather during March was a gift for our family of need-to-go-outside-all-the-time boys (and mom).  We went fishing.

I went on a Spring Break trip to serve in DesMoines with our youth group. Brian stayed home with the kids.

I photographed a very precious girl turning one.

We picked wild daffodils with cousins on an abandoned farm in the woods.

We helped organize the seed shed with Grandpa in the warm March weather, and asked a thousand times when it would be warm enough to swim in the farm pond.

I photographed a little man who had stunning red hair under this pilot hat.

Took pictures on Easter morning on the church lawn.

I purchased a new lens for Real Estate photography, and practiced on one of my favorite worship spaces in Pella.  I hope to photograph worship spaces more, and create a collection of images of church architecture over the next years.  The course I most enjoyed in seminary was called, Music and the Arts in Christian Worship, where we studied how space speaks our theology, and understanding of God.

Then photographed the Holiday Inn Express and Suites in Sioux City, IA for my first professional Real Estate photography session.  This hotel is beautiful. For more images of this hotel, see the "IOWA REAL ESTATE" section of my website at www.beckyochsnerphotography.com 

Real Estate photography is especially useful when space needs to sell, for hospitality venues, selling homes, and commercial properties as well.  I've always enjoyed architecture, and have done a lot of reading and research about photographing space.

We did some off-roading.

Photographed my niece, who was three months old. 

 Ended a lot of church programming, like coffee break, 412 youth group, and home builders, opening up a little more free family time.  This is our end of the year party with homebuilders. 

 Took pictures of the tulips in Pella while they were nice.  Zach is checking out the Molengraght.

And we survived my husband's back going out a few weeks ago.  I didn't take any pictures of it.  But you can imagine it wasn't fun at all.  We were glad to see the wheel chair go.  Though I think the boys would have enjoyed it becoming a ride on toy for the church drive way.  We gave it back.

And so, just a handful of things that have been happening.  I did turn 29 years old a few weeks ago.  And Elliot reminded me that even though it was my birthday, HIS birthday was next! 

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