Monday, July 18, 2011

Southern Missouri Vacation, Part 3

It is a hot, hot day across the midwest.  I'm finishing up some preparation for an open house tomorrow here at the parsonage, and looking at vacation photos of swimming makes me want to go back.  And so does this food...

Cooking in cast iron works so well.  I use cast iron at home for most of my cooking, except frying eggs.  Then I use a non-stick skillet.

Uncle Mike holding Zachary, helping me out so I can take some photos.

Dumping out the water so that the bike can restart.  This happened a few times, but amazingly they restarted every time.

My nephew Elijah played so nicely by the water.  It isn't really sand like Michigan sand (the best there is), it is more like Rock Sand, but it still scooped well for little boys.

My nephew Anton grinning at me.  Likely about his daddy restarting the motorcycle.

The water looks so nice today, doesn't it?  The bigger kids took off their life jackets some, since they have had swimming lessons. 

Ezra mimics his daddy by throwing a rock in the water.  These brain-looking rocks could be found along the bottom of the river.  They also look a lot like morel mushrooms.

And a few more water and ATV pictures.  I was really thankful to have purchase a pelican case which is waterproof, for my camera.  It is hard to fully protect gear in this much water activity, but it did the trick. 

My nephew Cody and Brother Mike poppin' a wheely across the bridge.  After vacation, Ezra and Elliot are now always poppin' wheeleys on their ride on toys.

Now, I think it is about time to go swimming again!

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