Saturday, June 25, 2011

Des Moines Arts Festival

Brian and I enjoyed visiting the DesMoines Arts Festival this weekend, eating "street food" and taking in a part of Iowa's culture that we don't see very often.

We had favorites, and enjoyed visiting with the artists, asking about their technique and inspirations.

First, we visited Becky Arkema from Sully, who was a part of the "Iowa's Emerging Artists," and was having her first art show.  She is a beautiful girl with beautiful artwork.  Outside the Line Design:

It was hard not to think of Megan, a beautiful young girl from our church, in the Pediatric ICU just a few blocks away, who was planning on starting photography courses this fall.  I wondered which art booths she would like, and what kind of photography she would be drawn to.

Another Iowa Emerging Artist that we liked:

Photographs on Steel from Kansas:

Pastel Drawings and Paintings:

Probably the best of show from our point of view:

A photographer that taught me a few things:

A creative idea for an old seed corn pallet:

An artist who made dresses out of recycled things (roof shingles):

And then a stop at the Iowa Capitol Building for some photos as the sun was setting.  The setting sun brought out wonderful gold tones of the Capitol.  Brian's first time to the Capitol building in Iowa.


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