Monday, November 1, 2010

Karl and Kristin Got Hitched

We had so much fun at Karl and Kristin's wedding last weekend! We have enjoyed getting to know them, and I am excited to have five brothers married to wonderful sister-in-laws. This was also Brian and I's last sibling to be married.

Brian served as both the pastor and brother-in-law at this wedding. Kristin is a member of Sully CRC and was one of the folks who passed Brian's name to the search committee over a year ago. This weekend we celebrated a wedding, Ezra's three-year birthday, and the one-year anniversary of our first interview with Sully CRC. It was a very special weekend. And, it was handy to run across the yard to grab things from home, since the wedding was at Sully CRC!

We were also blessed to have Brian's mom and dad around to help us out over the weekend.

Rachel and Amelia showing off their "Karl and Kristin got Hitched" koozies.
I was honored to be a bridesmaid with her sisters and friends. Emily, on my left, is also one of my sister-in-laws, since my younger brothers married first cousins! If this is confusing, I understand.

Taking pictures in the back of the sanctuary.

Me and my handsome boys.

Brian and the couple at rehearsal.

Ezra and his cake at rehearsal supper.

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