Saturday, October 9, 2010

Lord, grant me patience to deal with my blessings

Zachary is growing quickly - two and a half months already. There have been several times that I think, "I can't wait until they can all walk themselves," or "next summer maybe I'll just have one in diapers rather than two..." I am looking forward to days that aren't so busy with feedings, diapers, baths, sweeping under high chairs, hauling car seats and cleaning up messes.

Countless times we've been told, "we miss the years when the kids were little," or "they went so fast." Right now I don't feel like they are going very fast, or that I'm going to miss them. In a way I think the testimonies from other parents help remind me to be thankful for these days as best I can. And, photography helps me capture moments that I can't fully appreciate right now because of being worn out, but will later.

Last night I overheard a grandparent-aged couple say, "Wow, that is a busy family," and a person respond, "Busy, but blessed." It was another good reminder.


  1. He is so cute! I can not wait to meet him!

  2. Your children are adorable. And I love your post. That is just how I feel some days too. I love my two little munchkins but there are days when I am so tired that I don't fully appreciate who they are. I continue to be amazed at God's strength and grace through parenting.

  3. Oh, Becky! Been there, done that. I remember thinking "If I could just have two in diapers and not three at the same time" and "If they could just buckle themselves up." Or "If I could just get them potty-trained." It does get better although time seems to go slow in the meantime. I'm reading a great book by Jill Savage right now called Real Moms, Real Jesus. It's all about how Jesus was interrupted, didn't have alone time,etc, just like moms! Hang in there!
