Monday, August 16, 2010


It is kind of funny to listen to Brian and I try to figure out who Zachary looks like. Really, he is his own little person in the end. Brian showed me a picture on his cell phone and asked me to guess which infant son it was, and I'm embarrassed to say that I couldn't tell. I was relieved to hear a mom say that she could only tell which infant she was holding in the picture by what hairstyle or clothing she was wearing. Here are all three boys, see if you can tell which is which? :)


  1. We have the same issue--and we only have two to keep track of!

  2. I am going to guess from top to bottomw: Zachary, Elliot, Ezra! I am probably wrong though! : )

  3. That's my guess, too, Beth. Beautiful. Thanks for sharing pictures, Becky! Congrats!

  4. I was going to guess Elliot, Zachary, Ezra. Our girls looked a lot alike when they were born too...

