Thursday, March 4, 2010

Meijer Gardens

Can you see the two butterflies?
The kids and I had a little getaway, and visited Meijer Gardens here in Grand Rapids with other moms and kids. The sunshine and warm temperature in the garden house was very nice, although the mid-forty temps outside isn't too bad this week! There were a lot of other kids with moms, dads or grandparents; and a lot of photographers taking pictures in the butterfly house.

From their brochure:
Butterflies Are Blooming features butterflies from tropical regions around the world flying freely in the 5-story Tropical Conservatory. The 80-degree conservatory is filled with thousands of exotic butterflies from tropical regions around the world. More than 40 different species of butterflies and moth make this a warm and colorful exhibition. Throughout the exhibition, butterflies can be viewed drinking nectar from the flowering plants and feeding stations, congregating among stream beds and flying freely within the five-story tropical conservatory.

Ezra jumping. He jumps off of everything. Doesn't the couple in the back ground look like they are having fun? I like how this picture captures two different ages enjoying life.

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